Haptic promotion for digital app
The initial situation: AOK PLUS supplemented the classic offline version of its bonus tariff strategy with a new digital bonus app.
The task: to inspire their own employees with the new app and, above all, to encourage customers to download the app onto their smartphones.
The solution: Touchmore designed and produced 80,000 logoloop endless folding cards with emotional and target group-specific imagery to whet the app's appetite. The special folding mechanism of logoloop makes the advantages of the app accessible step by step in a playful way.
The result: the sales aid quickly unfolded the effectiveness of the haptic effect. In the first four weeks, more than 3,200 policyholders installed the bonus app on their smartphones and activated their accounts. The feedback from the employees was also consistently positive.
The Facts
5% download rate in 4 weeks
- Industry:Banking and insurance
- Client:AOK PLUS
- Services:Consulting, concept, text, graphics, production
- Media:logoloop®
"1-2% would have already been a complete success for us - over 5% response exceeded all our expectations."

Nicole Lessig
Marketing AOK PLUS